New Challenges for Research on Language for Special Purposes

Ingrid Simonnæs (Hg.), Øivin Andersen (Hg.), Klaus Schubert (Hg.)

New Challenges for Research on Language for Special Purposes

Forum für Fachsprachen-Forschung, Band 154

978-3-7329-0420-4 9783732904204
Taschenbuch, broschiert
14,8 × 21,0 cm (B × H)
68,00 €

Zum Inhalt

This anthology consists of selected papers presented by European scholars at the 21st LSP-Conference 2017 on Interdisciplinary knowledge-making: challenges for LSP-research, held at NHH Norwegian School of Economics in Bergen, Norway. The multifarious aspects of LSP-research publication cover issues on terms and terminology, LSP-texts from a text linguistic approach, training in LSP-settings and translation of LSP-texts. The volume gives an up-to-date selection of the ongoing research endeavours in specialised communication in subject fields ranging from maritime accidents over healthcare and financial accounting to climate change.


Ingrid Simonnæs is since 2012 Professor emerita at the Department of Professional and Intercultural Communication at NHH Norwegian School of Economics in Bergen. Main research areas: LSP-communication, Translation Studies, Legal Linguistics.

Øivin Andersen is since 2005 a professor of general linguistics at the University of Bergen/Norway. Main research areas: Terminology and LSP, Lexicography, Language Policy and Text Linguistics.

Klaus Schubert is a professor of applied linguistics/international specialized communication at the University of Hildesheim (Germany). Main research areas: Applied Linguistics, Translation Studies, Specialized Communication Studies, Interlinguistics.



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