Translating and Interpreting Healthcare Discourses / Traducir e interpretar en el ámbito sanitario

María-José Varela Salinas (Hg.), Bernd Meyer (Hg.)

Translating and Interpreting Healthcare Discourses / Traducir e interpretar en el ámbito sanitario

TRANSÜD. Arbeiten zur Theorie und Praxis des Übersetzens und Dolmetschens, Band 79

978-3-86596-367-3 9783865963673
Englisch, Spanisch
Taschenbuch, broschiert
14,8 × 21,0 cm (B × H)
39,80 €

Zum Inhalt

Because of the increasing number of patients with limited language proficiency due to immigration in many countries, the need for healthcare interpreters and translators has grown swiftly in the last decade. This book gathers contributions by outstanding researchers, practitioners and trainers in translation and interpreting in healthcare situations.


Dr. María-José Varela Salinas is Senior Lecturer at the University of Malaga (Spain) in the Department for Translation and Interpreting. Her main research topic is specialised translation.



Dr. Bernd Meyer is a linguist by training, and a specialist for different aspects of multilingual communication in institutional settings. Since 2010, he is Professor for Intercultural Communication and Cultural Studies at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Germany) in the Department for Translation, Linguistics, and Cultural Studies.

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