Emerging Fields in Easy Language and Accessible Communication Research

Silvana Deilen (Hg.), Silvia Hansen-Schirra (Hg.), Sergio Hernández Garrido (Hg.), Christiane Maaß (Hg.), Anke Tardel (Hg.)

Emerging Fields in Easy Language and Accessible Communication Research

Easy – Plain – Accessible, Band 14

Taschenbuch, broschiert
14,8 × 21,0 cm (B × H)
68,00 €

Zum Inhalt

This volume presents current research and practices in the field of Easy Language and accessible communication. The publication of this volume was inspired by two international events, namely the International Easy Language Day Conference (IELD), and the panel The Social Role of Language: Translation into Easy and Plain Languages at the IATIS conference. By bringing together findings from different corpus-driven, cognitive and automation approaches in accessible communication research and providing insights into current projects of the emerging field of accessible health communication, the volume captures the dynamic and rapidly evolving nature of the field.


Silvia Hansen-Schirra is Professor for English Linguistics and Translation Studies at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU), Faculty of Translation Studies, and Director of the Translation & Cognition Center. Christiane Maaß is Professor for Media Linguistics at the University of Hildesheim, Institute for Translatology and Specialised Communication, and Director of the Research Centre for Easy Language. Silvana Deilen and Anke Tardel are research associates at the JGU, and Sergio Hernández Garrido at the University of Hildesheim.

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