English in Marketing

Sylva-Michèle Sternkopf

English in Marketing

International Communication Strategies in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

978-3-86596-054-2 9783865960542
Date of appearance
14.8 × 21.0 cm (B × H)
49.80 €


What measures do German SMEs take to successfully present themselves on the international market place? In contrast to larger groups, where dedicated communication departments cooperate closely with renowned advertising agencies to disseminate the marketing message and to reach exactly the right target groups, corporate communication in medium-sized companies is often characterised by ad-hoc decisions, tight budgets and a lower esteem for the value of professional communication. This empirical survey investigates “International Communication Strategies in SMEs”, uncovers reasons and consequences of this approach, illuminates the role of the English language in international marketing and provides tangible tips what SMEs can do to improve their international market presence.


Sylva-Michèle Sternkopf, born in 1974. Studied English and American language and literature at the Technical University of Dresden, focus on corporate communications and advertising language. Worked at the conference centre of an international hotel in London from 1994–1995. Graduated with honours in 1998. University lecturer at Dresden and Chemnitz Universities, lectures and seminars on Semantics, Advertising language, Linguistics. Completed PhD thesis is 2004, validated ‘magna cum laude’, at Chemnitz University. Subject: International business communication and optimisation of the communication strategy in medium-sized enterprises. Founded the international advertising and translation agency ‘Sternkopf Communications’ in 2000, specialising in the creation, adaptation, localisation and translation of international marketing literature. Prestigious projects for SMEs, official bodies and major global players.

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