Bridging Languages and Cultures II

Guntars Dreijers (Ed.), Jānis Sīlis (Ed.), Silga Sviķe (Ed.), Jānis Veckrācis (Ed.)

Bridging Languages and Cultures II

Linguistics, Translation Studies and Intercultural Communication

TRANSÜD. Arbeiten zur Theorie und Praxis des Übersetzens und Dolmetschens, Volume 111

978-3-7329-0705-2 9783732907052
Date of appearance
14.8 × 21.0 cm (B × H)
68.00 €


Translation Studies are facing new tasks to take account of and to discuss the changing translation environment with new approaches and new tools for description, analysis, and teaching activities. Bridging Languages and Cultures II combines current viewpoints in Translation Studies, Linguistics, and Intercultural Communication. The volume provides both specific foci on certain aspects and developments, and a more general overview of research landscape in Latvia, and internationally. The authors discuss translation of Language for Special Purposes (LSP) and literary texts, various interdisciplinary linguistic modules by bridging history and methodology of Translation Studies, aesthetic, and interactional aspects of translation, as well as inter­cultural phenomena in the context of translation and linguistics.


This volume of peer reviewed papers has been prepared by a team of translation scholars of Ventspils University of Applied Sciences. Jānis Sīlis is Professor at the Faculty of Translation Studies; Guntars Dreijers is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Translation Studies; Silga Sviķe and Jānis Veckrācis are Assistant Professors of the Faculty of Translation Studies. They teach various subjects of translation and linguistics, and they participate in international conferences and projects.

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