Bulgarian Grammar

Ruselina Nicolova

Bulgarian Grammar

978-3-7329-0224-8 9783732902248
Date of appearance
14.8 × 21.0 cm (B × H)
148.00 €


This Bulgarian Grammar is a semantically and functionally oriented type of academic grammar. New semantic interpretations, often based on logical analysis, are offered in the area of determination, pronouns, verbs, etc. Morphological facts are related to syntax and pragmatics. Theoretically and methodologically the description fits into the context of contemporary linguistics and is suitable for typological studies, since Bulgarian offers rich and interesting material.


Ruselina Nicolova has devoted many years to studying and teaching Bulgarian at St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia and Slavic studies at universities in Germany and Austria. Main scholarly interests: Bulgarian and Slavic studies, theoretical linguistics, and the logic of natural languages. Author of over 200 publications, among them ‚Pragmatičen aspekt na izrečenieto v bâlgarskija knižoven ezik‘ (1984), ‚Bâlgarskite mestoimenija‘ (1986), ‚Bâlgarska gramatika. Morfologija‘ (2008). Contributor to studies within the Saint Petersburg typological projects: V.S. Xrakovskij (ed.), ‚Typology of Conditional Constructions‘, 2005, Lincom; V.S. Xrakovskij (ed.), ‚Evidencial’nost’ v jazykach Evropy i Azii‘, 2007, Nauka; V.S. Xrakovskij (ed.), ‚Typology of Concessive Constructions‘, 2012, Lincom; V.S. Xrakovskij (ed.), ‚Typology of Taxis Constructions‘, 2016, Lincom.

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