Challenging Boundaries

Heike Elisabeth Jüngst (Ed.), Lisa Link (Ed.), Klaus Schubert (Ed.), Christiane Zehrer (Ed.)

Challenging Boundaries

New Approaches to Specialized Communication

TRANSÜD. Arbeiten zur Theorie und Praxis des Übersetzens und Dolmetschens, Volume 101

978-3-7329-0524-9 9783732905249
Date of appearance
14.8 × 21.0 cm (B × H)
39.80 €


The contributions in this volume set out to understand and map parts of the vast territory of specialized communication that have yet to be charted from a research perspective. Specific aspects from the fields of translation studies, technical communication and accessibility are explored from different perspectives bringing new insights into how we conceptualize the practice of technical writing and translation. The findings of this expedition are of interest to researchers, practitioners and students of specialized communication.


Heike Elisabeth Jüngst is a Professor at University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (Germany). Areas of research: Audiovisual translation, translation for children, children’s non-fiction book.

Lisa Link is a Professor of Multilingual Technical Communication German/ English at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences (Germany).
Klaus Schubert is a Professor of Applied Linguistics/International Specialized Communication at the University of Hildesheim (Germany).

Christiane Zehrer received her doctorate in Applied Linguistics from the University of Hildesheim in 2013. She is currently a Senior Consultant & Agile Coach at an IT company in Berlin (Germany).

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