Let’s Enjoy Ukrainian A1

Olha Ihnatyeva, Olena Pchelintseva

Let’s Enjoy Ukrainian A1

A step-by-step course

978-3-7329-1127-1 9783732911271
Date of appearance
21.0 × 29.7 cm (B × H)
28.00 €


Let’s Enjoy Ukrainian is the result of a long-standing experience in teaching not only the Ukrainian language but also sharing information on Ukraine’s culture and traditions. Accordingly, this book’s learning content is set against a rich cultural backdrop. With it you’ll learn useful phrases for communicating in all kinds of everyday situations. It helps you build up and improve your vocabulary, understand the grammar, and become fluent in the Cyrillic alphabet. It also explains Ukrainian phonetics and pronunciation and highlights linguistic and cultural peculiarities. A variety of exercises help you to process, practice and memorize all newly learnt information. With regular summaries and review tests you keep track of your personal learning progress. Let’s Enjoy Ukrainian is the go-to workbook to improve your language proficiency from simple observations to independent production.


Olha Ihnatyeva, Ph.D., is a research associate at TU Dresden (Germany), where she participates in the DAAD-funded programme “Ukraine digital: Studienerfolg in Krisenzeiten sichern” (Ukraine Digital: Ensuring Academic Success in Times of Crisis). The experienced English teacher originally works at Cherkasy State Technological University in Cherkasy (Ukraine).
Olena Pchelintseva, Ph.D., is a professor and visiting researcher at Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz (Germany), where she participates in the international programme “Phillip Schwarz Initiative” (Phillip Schwarz initiative). The experienced teacher and widely published author originally works at Cherkasy State Technological University in Cherkasy (Ukraine).

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