Minority Issues in Europe: Rights, Concepts, Policy

Tove H. Malloy (Ed.)

Minority Issues in Europe: Rights, Concepts, Policy

Volume 1

978-3-86596-543-1 9783865965431
Date of appearance
14.8 × 21.0 cm (B × H)
39.80 €


Minorities have been part of European history and politics since the middle of the 16th Century, often seen as obstacles to state-building and later as a threat to nation-building. Traditional minorities have had to fight their own way to be able to remain in their homelands, while new arrivals have been met with rejection and were expected to return home.

Minorities are still seen as a threat to peace and security and mostly as outsiders. In the early 21st Century of inter-connected societies, minorities are more than ever an issue often seen as a threat to social cohesion. This book provides the advanced student with a multi-disciplinary, informed perspective on minority history and politics as well as social and cultural issues related to minority identity and minority existence in Europe.

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