Mundus Urbano: (Re)thinking urban development

Luana Xavier Pinto Coelho (Ed.), Lorena Melgaço Silva Marques (Ed.), Regina Orvañanos Murguía (Ed.)

Mundus Urbano: (Re)thinking urban development

978-3-86596-532-5 9783865965325
Date of appearance
14.8 × 21.0 cm (B × H)
39.80 €


As we enter a Mundus Urbano, urban issues become even more central to many professions related to planning. This situation not only reinforces long identified challenges but also generates new ones for which planners from all different fields of inquiry have to re-think their own practice. This book gathers works that reflect recent challenges examined by the fresh eyes of young professionals brought together to stretch conventions towards an innovative approach to urban studies. The reader will find world-wide as well as more localised study cases in four chapters that embed the most up-to-date questions permeating the field: sociocultural production and urban space, urban governance and social challenges, contemporary planning and cooperating in the south and sustainable urban infrastructure. Each of these chapters is introduced by prominent authors such as Prof. Amos Rapoport, PhD. Jaqueline Britto Pólvora, Prof. Guiqing Yang and Cor Dijkgraaf, who have been of great importance during the course of this advanced Master.

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