Politics, Policy and Power in Translation History

Lieven D’hulst (Ed.), Carol O’Sullivan (Ed.), Michael Schreiber (Ed.)

Politics, Policy and Power in Translation History

Transkulturalität – Translation – Transfer, Volume 24

978-3-7329-0173-9 9783732901739
Date of appearance
14.8 × 21.0 cm (B × H)
39.80 €


The contributions in this book are partly based on papers given at the 7th congress of the European Society for Translation Studies, held at the University of Mainz in Germersheim. For this publication, all papers have undergone a review process. In order to illustrate the variety of contents and approaches involved in the concepts of translation policy and politics, the chapters are organised thematically rather than chronologically. The objective in doing so was to show how policies influence a wide array of discursive practices. The first group of articles is concerned with the policy of translating and interpreting in power settings. A second group deals with translation policies as applied to a wide corpus of literary texts. A third group is devoted to the policies of media translation.


The editors of this book are specialists in different fields of translation studies:

Lieven D’hulst is a professor of Francophone literature and of translation studies at KU Leuven.

Carol O’Sullivan is senior lecturer of translation studies at the University of Bristol.

Michael Schreiber is a professor of French and Italian linguistics and translation studies at the University of Mainz.

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