Song Translation: Lyrics in Contexts

Johan Franzon (Ed.), Annjo K. Greenall (Ed.), Sigmund Kvam (Ed.), Anastasia Parianou (Ed.)

Song Translation: Lyrics in Contexts

TRANSÜD. Arbeiten zur Theorie und Praxis des Übersetzens und Dolmetschens, Volume 113

978-3-7329-0656-7 9783732906567
Date of appearance
14.8 × 21.0 cm (B × H)
68.00 €


Song Translation: Lyrics in Contexts grew out of a project dedicated to the translation of song lyrics. The book aligns itself with the tradition of descriptive translation studies. Its authors, scholars from Finland, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Norway and Sweden, all deal with the translation of song lyrics in a great variety of different contexts, including music and performance settings, (inter)cultural perspectives, and historical backgrounds. On the one hand, the analyses demonstrate the breadth and diversity of the concept of translation itself, on the other they show how different contexts set up conditions that shape translational practices and products in different ways.

The book is intended for translation studies scholars as well as for musicologists, students of language and/or music and practicing translators; in short, anybody interested in this creative and fascinating field of translational practice.


Johan Franzon is Associate Professor of Swedish Translation and Scandinavian Languages at the University of Helsinki (Finland).

Annjo K. Greenall is Professor of English Language and Translation Studies at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim (Norway).

Sigmund Kvam is Professor of German Linguistics and Translation Studies at the Østfold University College in Halden (Norway).

Anastasia Parianou is Professor of Translation Studies at the Ionian University in Corfu (Greece).

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